Preparing yourself for selling your home can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially if it’s your first time doing so. There are a lot of things to think about and consider that you may not have already realized, but don’t fear! We, The Local House Buyers are here to help!
- Detach Yourself From The House
The first thing to consider when selling your home is confirming that you truly want to sell. It can be difficult detaching yourself from your home but it can be easier by thinking of the process as a business rather than selling your property to another owner.
It’s always good to keep your house clean and organized, but the best practice is to make doubly sure that everything is prepared for potential buyers to see. You’ll need to distance yourself from your home as well during house showings, including taking any pets away from your home so your potential buyers can fully immerse themselves and begin imagining their new lives in your house.
- Avoid Renovating
Often a real estate agent can urge sellers to make renovations to the house they’re selling in order to make it perfect for their buyers, but in reality, you don’t need to spend too much on renovations, if at all.
One of the reasons house sales are delayed is because renovations are being made to the house to make it easier to sell, when in fact it’s likely that your home doesn’t need any renovations at all. Making your house ready for the market is enough, and while you don’t want to sell your home when major repairs are needed, smaller renovations can wait.
- Ignore The Retail Market
The retail market refers to the real estate market, making buyers through real estate ‘retail buyers’, compared to professional companies like us who buy homes. Buying through retail buyers can be unpredictable and stressful, and usually, they play to their own timeline which can make it difficult if you’re just trying to sell your home quickly.
Think about where you’d prefer to sell to, as real estate agents can choose to delay the deal if it means they earn more as a result. Selling directly to The Local House Buyers can be a quick and easy sale and we’ll be here to reassure you every step of the way.
- Prepare Your House Information
A buyer needs to know everything there is to know about their new home, even small details like the last time the electrics were checked by a professional, when the roof was last shingled, or even when the HVAC unit was installed (something more common in Orlando homes).
While this can be time-consuming, if you get it organized before arranging to sell, it can potentially sell your home quickly as the buyer will have more information to hand in when making a decision.
- Sell Direct
By selling directly to a house buying company like The Local House Buyers, you can be assured that we’ll buy your house quickly and without any hassle. Where a real estate agent or retail buyer might delay the sale for the chance of a better price, you can always count on us to be fair and efficient.
If you can’t finish the repair work on your house in time for the retail market or if you can’t make your mortgage payments in time, it’s no problem for us. If your home in Orlando FL qualifies then we can make you the best possible offer for your home in no time at all.
While selling your home for the first time may make you nervous, it can be a simple and easy process with The Local House Buyers. By emotionally detaching yourself from your home, you’re making the first step towards treating the process like a business transaction, and if you’re not willing to go for real estate after evaluating it, we’ll be here to give you a quick and fair offer on your home, should it qualify. Contact us today to find out more!